Webinar Series
Manage Your Transaction RISK Better in 2024

Join Q2 for three important webinars to guide your efforts

Robust transaction risk management is a major requirement for financial institutions (FIs) in the post pandemic world. Manual approaches no longer can address:

  • The speed and volume of payment disputes.
  • Intensive management and reporting requirements.
  • Fraud prevention (especially when it comes to checks).

Address these challenges through innovative approaches that businesses want right now—and that will deepen their loyalty to your bank or credit union.

The Webinars

NextGen Centrix

Find out what Centrix has planned to help your FI battle fraud, improve efficiencies and earn more revenue this year and beyond. We'll also share the advantages of an automated, agile and ever-evolving solution to your financial institution and business customers in a time of fast transactions and more threat chances. 

WHEN: April 4, 2024, 1PM CT


  • Tim Kindschuh, Q2 Senior Manager, Product Management
  • Emily McDougall, Q2 Product Manager
  • Andrew Moore, Q2 Senior Product Manager

ACH Protection from Today's Smart Fraudster 

Join us for a discussion of the current fraud environment and gain an understanding of how Centrix/PIQS significantly mitigates today's ACH risk threats, produces faster, more thorough reviews and ensures compliance. Of great interest, we'll discuss how artificial intelligence will make PIQS even more beneficial to your financial institution and staff.

WHEN: April 25, 2024, 11am CT


  • Craig Everett, Q2 Solutions Consultant
  • Andrew Moore, Q2 Senior Product Manager
  • Heather Rodriguez, Texas Security Bank VP Operations & Payments Manager

The Valuable Opportunity with Positive Pay

Learn more about Centrix/ETMS, our positive pay solution that prevented $1.4B in ACH and check fraud in 2023. We'll also share Datos Insights' research that reveals the opportunity FIs are missing by not effectively selling and charging for positive pay - receive tips on how to take advantage of this opportunity. 

WHEN: May 22, 2024, at 11am CT


  • Andrea Ulrich, Q2 Solutions Consultant
  • Kelly Davis, Core First Bank & Trust Senior VP Operations